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From March 29-31, I participated in the NYC Maritime Hackathon with a team of 4 Software Engineers, a Data Scientist and Business Consultant. We were presented with 17 problem sets and from my view point, endless data.


We were tasked to build a user centered solution inspired by large data sets, with the help of maritime professionals ready to advance the use of tech in an industry that accounts for 90% of world trade (using dated processes).


Eliana Teran  UX/UI Designer

Brian Ogilvie  Front-End Developer

Gabriel Lemaine  Front-End Developer

Alexander Gaiser  Back-End Developer

Daniel Kim  Back-End Developer

Marc Birbach  Data Scientist

Tia Wan  Business Consultant

My responsibilities: 

User Research, Hi-fi Wireframes,

Developer Hand-off, Presentation


The ship manager is unable to effectively strategize and track his fleet due to the large unstandardized data sets he receives from each of his ships.


We believe by designing an intuitive dashboard customizable by KPI's to communicate operational anomalies in real time, ship managers will be able to more efficiently manage their fleet. 

Research Goals

  • To understand how data is collected throughout a ship and discover inefficiencies in the process and hand-off of maritime data.

  • To identify who is or could be the primary user of the data being collected throughout a ship.

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Research Methodology

  • User Interviews with Mentors

  • Data Analysis

  • Archetype 

  • Feature Prioritization

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Problem Sets

We talked with 5 mentors to discover how the data sets were collected and standardized. 

What we learned is there are many stakeholders in the contribution and distribution of data,

and it is largely a manual process. Narrowing down the user was our biggest challenge. 


Key Insights

Our mentors from TecPier and LGL Maritime revealed that reporting varied by ship, and the current software for interacting with this data by managers on land is cumbersome and requires up to 17 clicks to arrive at relevant information.


Who are we designing for? 

The Ship Manager, our Archetype manages over 100 ships, and constantly needs to be aware of anomalies in weather, speed, consumption, and much more to effectively manage the safety of their ships and make cost-saving decisions. They struggle with poor organization and standardization of the data received, which limits efficiency. 

Problem Statement

A ship manager has difficulties optimizing operations of their fleet, because anomalies get lost in disorganized data sets.

How might we streamline data to increase efficiency and enable the ship manager to make informed and strategic decisions?


Ship Dash is a data aggregating responsive website that pulls a small amount of relevant information up front on an easily viewable dashboard. It updates in real time. The contents of that dashboard can be configured by the user to display only the information they find most important, to establish a high-level view of the state of their fleet.

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We had less than 24 hours to design and code as high-fidelity of a deliverable as possible using Zeplin for handoff. 

Here is a sample of our schedule:


8:30 - 10am: Finish Interviews, Synthesize, and Stand-Up

10-11am: Data Scientists confirm data, I build style guide.

11-12:30am: Side by Side design and build prototype with 

front end developers, primarily using Zeplin. 


8:30-10:30am: Build presentation and prepare the pitch while developers merge front and back end of site.

12pm: Submit and pitch. 

Final Design

Within the limited time frame, we built 1 page of the responsive website to functionality. You can see a preview live here. 


On the left of the dashboard, the ship manager can view their fleet filtered by owners and vessels. The bottom of the dashboard shows speed, consumption, and other condition based variables the ship manager has chosen to monitor. The center shows a summary of how his fleet is doing according to the KPI's. This is the default view of the dashboard, and can be fully customized by the user. 


The dashboard updates itself in real time, ridding the user from wasting time filtering through spread sheets daily. This dashboard will allow its users to optimize voyage planning, shipping processes, and ultimately save money - the real goal of a logistician.

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That's me!


We pitched the idea to the judges, in front of an audience of 50 people. I have never given a presentation in front of that many people before. We received honorable  mention, and I'm excited to participate in more hackathons to come. 

Next Steps

  • Build out responsive website, and develop native app. 

  • As data is collected, employ predictive data for strategic planning and automated workflow.

  • Research and development on cloud optimization. 

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